Low Carb Mom's

Welcome! I'm a busy recruiter in Financial Services (LOVE it!) and a mom to four awesome kids:
(Aerial 17, Maddison 13, Elijah 11 & Noah 8).

Low Carb is how I dropped the baby weight & got in shape. I blog about livin' la vida low-carb in hopes of helping other mom's implement the lifestyle and lose the weight for good using "normal" people food and meal planning.

Follow me on Facebook & Pinterest :)

Monday, September 13, 2010

Low-Carb'ing through stress.

Ok, it's been quite a stressful several days. First, I fell down the stairs and broke my right pinkie toe. OUCH. Then, I learned that someone very dear to me passed away on Friday. Not to mention the normal day to day stress of raising four children.

I'm an emotional eater. When I get stressed, I want to eat sweets. To avoid going off the plan, I always keep Sugar Free Jello on-hand, and some Truvia to sweeten homemade whipping cream. That usually feeds my craving for sweets.

I also find it important to journal and get those feelings out on paper (or electronically if it's easier - which it is in my case).

Overall - it's not difficult to stay on the Low-Carb plan throughout massive amounts of stress. The cravings aren't overbearing, and not having to deal with the blood sugar roller coaster because of our low carb lifestyle definitely helps.

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