I am SOOOOO sorry for such a long hiatus. Forgive?
I have actually been blogging on WordPress.
I abandoned Blogger in pursuit of a Wordpress Blog after going to an Android smartphone and mostly blogging from the Wordpress App...
But lately - I am in LOVE with Pinterest. Please, follow my Low-Carb Board :)
Oh, and please go and vote for Susan Winkler for the Atkins All Star. Her story is AMAZING. As of this blog post, she is on page 19 (although that could change).
Here's the link to her AMAZING story and very inspiring before & after pictures.
On this 17th day of August, 2013, I hereby promise to continue my blog and make regular posts to help other mom's on this low-carb living journey. My sincerest apologies for the long hiatus. I'll update soon, and get back to regular posts with yummy recipes and real-life advice for making this lifestyle do-able.
All the best,
Ps. Here's a picture update :)
Picture taken 8/9/13
Welcome back to blogging! I wish you all the best with the low-carb eating, and your workouts too. I follow lots of low-carb folks. Who knows if I will become one myself. :-)