Low Carb Mom's

Welcome! I'm a busy recruiter in Financial Services (LOVE it!) and a mom to four awesome kids:
(Aerial 17, Maddison 13, Elijah 11 & Noah 8).

Low Carb is how I dropped the baby weight & got in shape. I blog about livin' la vida low-carb in hopes of helping other mom's implement the lifestyle and lose the weight for good using "normal" people food and meal planning.

Follow me on Facebook & Pinterest :)

Friday, September 6, 2013

Fat fast is over. And I love this hat!

The Fat Fast is over, and all the cravings are too!  That Fat Fast REALLY works.  If you're struggling with serious carb cravings and having trouble getting back into the lifestyle - I highly recommend a Fat Fast.

Sailing right along and dropping that weight I gained while on my 5-6 weeks of cheating.  Ugh...I STILL regret it majorly.

I saw something on the news the other day where a fitness expert computerized strength training equipment to provide the right amount of resistance at the right time.  The end result was a 15 minute FULL body workout.  Amazing.  I can't wait for that to hit the market.  IN the meantime, I will be focusing on going to full failure as quickly as possible on the equipment.  Including assisted squats.  I'll keep track of my before & after pictures and post here.

For now, here's one of me in my hat yesterday.  I love this hat.  Marcus' aunt Kathy gave it to me :)  

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Fat Fast

So, I have been doing the Atkins Fat Fast for the past couple of days because I cannot seem to get past the appetite and cravings from my month to six week cheat.  I really regret it, by the way.  I won't be doing that again...

So, the Fat Fast - in case you haven't heard of it:  It's 1000 calories a day for 3-5 days of Fat Fast approved foods to jump start Ketosis and push through a Metabolic Resistance. 

I have pinned a Low Carb Friends forum post / conversation on Pinterest. 

For me, a Fat Fast is the perfect way to beat the cravings and get back into Ketosis fast.

My favorite Fat Fast foods are 2 oz Cream Cheese, & 1 oz Macadamia Nuts OR Tuna mixed with tripple the real Mayo.  Mmmm.  Eat 5 mini meals for 3-5 days similar to that, and you're definitely in Ketosis and past a stall.

Friday, August 23, 2013

Day 5 of Induction

It is day 5, the fast food and sugar cravings are fading. Thank God. And my appetite is getting back to normal.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Keeping on plan

This is me, disapppinted I took such a long break from Low Carb. It's day four. The sugar cravings are starting to diminish.

Monday, August 19, 2013


I regret taking such a long break from Low Carb. I always forget the main reason for this lifestyle is to experience the many amazing results like high energy level, stable blood sugar therefore stable moods, staying full longer, better complexion, etc.

The cheat day started on the fourth of July, also the day we celebrated my daughters 17th Birthday. I just returned to Low Carb Induction todayi, August 19th.

Today has not been bad. I have noticed a lot of sugar and fast food cravings, but didn't cave. A Starbucks Frappe was tough to get out of my mind, so now I am derermined to find a Low Carb version or make one myself.

Today I have had an omlet for breakfast, chicken salad mid day, lunch, and dinner. I will probably have a similar menu for a while just to get back in the Low Carb habit.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

She squats bro

Ever heard of the gym wear that has that printed on it? I really want some...

For the past few months I have been doing squats on the assisted squat machine. I really wish I had taken some more "before" pictures for a comparison, but the squats produce real results.

There is an additional benefit: squats rebuild the muscles of the pelvic floor. Simply put, squats can replace Kegals while at the same time give you really nice butt, legs & even arms. It's like a full body workout.

So, here's to squats. I am ordering some of that gym gear that has "she squats bro" printed on it :)